Friday, September 23, 2016
Is there a cure for Type 1 Diabetes?
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Acai Berry and Diabetes
With obesity on the rise, there has also been a drastic increase in the amount of people who are developing diabetes. It's a disease that affects millions of people each year and that number continues to rise. Acai berry has been used by the Amazons of Brazil for generations, but was recently introduced world wide, mainly as a health supplement but also as a weight loss enhancer. This article discusses acai berry and diabetes.
Diabetes is often responsible for rapid cellular deterioration. This is a process that has a highly negative impact on the heart and overall health. Acai berry has omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. This helps heart health and counteracts the damage that this ailment can cause.
While there have been no studies conducted to confirm the relationship between acai berry and diabetes, doctors believe that acai berry can help regulate insulin levels which control blood sugar. Therefore it has been highly recommended as of late to assist with potentially improving the health of diabetics.
You should continue with your normally prescribed treatments, but acai berry can help to enhance your quality of life. Diabetes ultimately weakens the immune system over time due to repeated attacks on the body from this disease. This is yet another place where the acai berry comes in and helps the body to be stronger. The berry has been shown to improve and strengthen the immune system. This can benefit everyone, even those who don't have a major disease.
Another way the acai berry assists with diabetes is simple - everyone is supposed to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. However, the majority of people simply fail to do so. This can have a detrimental effect on the health of a person with diabetes. However, with the acai berry and diabetes, a person can get a large portion of the nutrients they need to stay healthy just by consuming acai on a regular basis.
Although there have not been any detailed tests with acai berries and diabetes, there was a University of Florida in lab test that showed how the fruit killed 86% of leukemia cancer cells. If acai berries are that potent, it is a very good chance that their nutrients will have a positive impact for those suffering from diabetes.
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
Power Foods For a Healthy Diet and For Type 2 Diabetics
Type 2 diabetics cannot eat like a normal person and have to avoid eating in excess. They have to control their glucose level by eating in moderation or more but smaller meals per day than normal persons. Every meal has to carry as much nutritional value as possible and fortunately there are many natural foods that are loaded with nutrients. These foods are excellent for everyone not just type 2 diabetics. The foods help you maintain or lower your weight; they fight disease and help you live longer.
These are some of those super foods:
Beans, Blueberries, Broccoli, Carrots, Chili, Oats, Oranges, Pumpkin, Salmon, Shitake mushrooms, Soy, Spinach, Tea (green or black), Tomatoes, Turkey, Walnuts, and Yogurt.
Blueberries: Have antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, and these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C. These berries can lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory. As rule darker berries have greater anti-oxidants and it does not matter if the berries are fresh or frozen.
Salmon: Salmon and other fish are rich in Omega 3 which is excellent for maintaining a healthy heart, joints, and memory. It helps lower the risk of heart disease, it helps arthritis, and may may help with memory loss and Alzheimers. Preferred fish are wild salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel. Two or three servings per week are required to have a meaningful effect on your health. Other foods that contain omega-3 are fortified eggs, flax seed, and walnuts.
Soy: Helps lower cholesterol. High cholesterol is often found in person with type 2 diabetes and a diet should therefore include foods that help reduce cholesterol. Studies have show that a diet rich in soy fiber, protein from oats and barley, almonds, and margarine from plant sterols lowed cholesterol as much as the most widely prescribed cholesterol medicine. Include tofu, soy milk, or edamame as a part of your regular diet to help reduce your cholesterol levels.
Fiber: Also helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and also aids in weight loss. A diet high in fiber will help maintain your cholesterol and glucose at healthy levels. Most natural foods are great sources of fiber, such as whole grains, beans, fruit, and vegetables. Beans should be fresh, frozen or dried. Canned beans have higher levels of sodium.
Tea: Green and black tea have properties that help lower cholesterol and inhibit cancer. Studies have show that men that drink green tea regularly had lower cholesterol levels that those that did not and similar studies showed that green tea was effective in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Green tea is an excellent substitute for soda.
Dark Chocolate: has antioxidants and properties that help lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is likewise found in type 2 diabetics. Dark chocolate should have a 60% or higher cocoa content. Darker chocolate has lower sugar levels and if you are a diabetic that is going to cheat, this is what you should consume.
Carrots: Contains beta carotene which helps reduce stroke risk by half for men who already have symptoms of heart disease
Chili Peppers: The heat source in chilies, capsaicin, which is an antioxidant that contains properties that thins blood to help prevent strokes, it also lowers cholesterol, protects DNA against carcinogens.
Spinach: Contains vitamins A and C, folic acid and magnesium which help control cancer, reduces heart disease and stroke risk, blocks free radicals and may help prevent osteoporosis.
Shitake mushrooms: Contain beta-glucan, which stimulates immune system and contains properties that help prevent cancer
Tomatoes: Contain lycopenes which stimulates immune function and may slow degenerative diseases.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Pediatric Diabetes and Caring for Children Diabetes
Most children tend to have type I diabetes, previously known as juvenile diabetes, although children are increasingly being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as well. Type I diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not work and does not produce any insulin. Insulin is needed to help break down sugars (glucose) in our body to help it work efficiently. When this breakdown of sugars does not happen, as in the case of type I diabetes, the sugar stays in the blood stream.
Because insulin is important in breaking down sugars in the body to use for energy, insulin has to be taken to control the illness. Therefore type I diabetes is also called insulin-dependent diabetes. Exercise and diet are also important helping to control this type of diabetes. Caring for the child with diabetes means that you will need to recognize the signs of the illness, as well as any resulting reactions that can occur. The main signs of pediatric diabetes are:
Breath smelling like fruit
Constant hunger
Pulse beating faster than normal
Being weak and dizzy
Difficulty concentrating
Vision becoming foggy
Skin tending to be cold and moist
Experiencing seizures
Next, you should be able to identify when the child is in crisis, suffering either a hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic episode, and you should know what to do help in either case. Hyperglycemia occurs when the sugar levels are too high. Rising sugar levels are generally a result of eating too much, not taking the correct amount of insulin, or not exercising enough. When a child is hyperglycemic, treatment by medical professionals is needed. A child suffering from high blood sugar will complain of the following:
Extreme thirst
Needing to urinate frequently
Not seeing clearly
Not being hungry
With hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), the symptoms vary from child to child, but some of the typical signs include:
Sudden mood changes
Seeming confused
Tingling feeling around the mouth
The first course of action is to increase the child's sugar intake by giving them something sweet to drink, such as regular soda, fruit juice or glucose tablets. Once the child is feeling better, you should give them something more solid to eat. If the child is too weak to swallow or is unconscious, administer the recommended dosage of glucagon and call for immediate medical assistance. Glucagon is a medication given by injection to rapidly increase the level of glucose in the blood. It is normally the first course of treatment in severe hypoglycemia.
Diet is a major part of keeping the diabetic child healthy. The caregiver has the responsibility to ensure that the child eats what is recommended. It is also important to talk with the child and let them know that they will get really sick if they eat too many sweets or other foods that can pose a risk. It is also important to let others, such as teachers, know that a diabetic child may need to snack to boost their sugar and energy levels. The child with diabetes must also have regular meals.
Exercise is important as well, and there is no reason why the diabetic child cannot participate in all regular physical activity. Exercise helps to control blood sugar levels. However, suffering from pediatric diabetes should not exert themselves before meal time. Also, they will need to have a snack, such as juice, crackers or a fruit, handy, as they will need to replace sugar lost during physical activity.
Most importantly, children should be taught how to test their blood sugar levels during the course of the day, once they are able to do soon their own. This is important so that they can take insulin or eat something as needed.
Caring for the children diabetes while calling for more vigilance in terms of their eating habits can be stress free once you and others taking care of the child know what to do and follow the rules. Also, make sure that emergency numbers are close at hand and that the child learns how to recognize symptoms of potential trouble and take corrective actions.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Diabetic and Neuropathy
The human body's nervous system has two main parts with the Central Nervous System being the one we hear the most about. This is the part of the nervous system that includes the brain and spinal cord. The one we hear less about is also a very important one. The Peripheral Nervous System is made up of the nerves that connect the Central Nervous System to the other organs and muscles in the body. As you can imagine, the peripheral nerves affect a lot of areas of the body. Now back to our original definition of neuropathy, a functional change or pathological disturbance in the peripheral nerves, one can see how neuropathy can become a big problem.
The peripheral nervous system is made up of three different types of nerves. They are motor nerves, which are responsible for voluntary movements such as waving goodbye, walking, etc. Another is sensory nerves which allow us to feel pain, hot and cold, etc. The third type is the autonomic nerves. As the name implies, these nerves control our involuntary movements such as breathing, heart beats, etc. Obviously, the nervous system is very complex and one of more nerves may be involved in neuropathy.
Symptoms of neuropathy can come on suddenly or gradually over time, depending on the types of nerves involved. Unfortunately, diabetes is the most common cause of neurophathy so we diabetics need to be aware of the symptoms because early intervention is important in treatment and recovery. In most cases, the early symptoms are weakness, pain, or numbness. Symptoms such as difficulty walking, stumbling or tiring easily, muscle cramps, trouble holding onto objects, an unsteady gait, dizziness when standing up may be symptoms. Some people complain of their hands and feet feeling as though they are wearing gloves or slippers when they are not. Because the peripheral nerves involve so many areas, there are many different types of symptoms. This can lead to problems getting a diagnosis since so many of these symptoms also relate to other illnesses. If you notice one or more of these symptoms for an extended time, check with your doctor. He or she may refer you to a neurologist, a doctor whose specialty is the brain and nerve disorders. A complete history of the symptoms should be presented and such tests as an EMG (electromyography), blood tests and urine tests will probably be done.
The key to recovery is to seek help as soon as you suspect problems. Recovery time depends on how much damage has been done and if nerve damage is left untreated for a long period of time, the symptoms could become irreversible. Don't ignore the symptoms! This is your life, your future and your comfort we are talking about here. Most of us human beings have a tendency to think it's our imagination, it will get better on its own, the doctor will think I'm just a complainer, I'll mention it when I see the doctor in six months, etc. Wrong! At the risk of repeating myself, I feel that I must stress early diagnosis and treatment is important for this one. Don't let yourself have permanent nerve damage because you waited too long to admit you had a problem.
New Day Counseling
New Day Counseling is a professional counseling center with a number of licensed therapists who do couples and marriage counseling as well as counseling for anger and depression.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Red wine a Diabetes Saviour

After establishing itself as a heart-friendly drink, read wine is now once again ready to be there on your dining table; this time as an antidote to diabetes.
Obviously, good news for millions of people, constantly bearing blows of this debilitating disease. Credit to shovel out this fact goes to new study showing that chemical called, resveratrol—found in the skins of red grapes and in red wine – significantly improves the sensitivity of mice to insulin. Moreover, it (resveratrol) was found activating the SIRT1 enzyme – known for increasing longevity, DNA repair, and insulin secretion.
These findings nurture a hope for diabetes-afflicted people, by confirming that in near future red wine might play a significant role in fighting diabetes, which currently is supposed to be engulfing around 170 million people worldwide.
Quick diabetes facts:
• Diabetes causes about 5% of all deaths globally each year.
• Diabetes deaths are likely to increase by more than 50% in the next 10 years without urgent action.
• Most people with diabetes in low and middle-income countries are middle-aged (45-64), not elderly (65+).
So, this time it would be interesting to see red wine proving its metal, this time in a new form – diabetes killer!
The human body
Friday, January 18, 2008
Lacking in deep sleep may enhance Diabetes risk
Hyderabad, January 18: Deep, sound sleep may be important for keeping Type 2 diabetes at bay, a research in the US said.
The team studied nine adults between the ages of 20 and 31, who spent consecutive nights in the sleep lab where they slept undisturbed for 8.5 hours each.
Then, for three nights, the researchers disrupted their sleep with noise.
The effect was to reduce slow-wave deep sleep by about 90 per cent without altering total sleep time.
At the end of each study, the researchers injected a sugar or glucose supplement into each subject and measured their blood sugar and response to insulin, the hormone that regulates the glucose.
After three nights of disturbed sleep, eight of the nine volunteers had become less sensitive to insulin, without increasing the production of insulin. Since insulin tells the body it has consumed energy, this deficiency can lead to weight gain and diabetes.